Page 2 - The catalogue of production of confectionery factory «Хлебный Спас»
P. 2


                          Opening of the bakery
                          Start of production of bread and cakes for the local market

                          Opening of the Confectionery factory, launching  “Hlebny Spas” TM on the market

                          Start of production of confectionery products for healthy nutrition (sugar-free, with natural

                          Opening of the Moscow representative office

                          «Hlebny Spas» CF starts to actively participate in the largest international exhibitions of the
                          Russian Federation (World Food, Prodexpo etc.)

                          Start of the first Italian automated line

                          Expansion of production and introduction of Italian technologies
                          Start of export shipments

                          Release of «Healthy Breakfast» and «World Collection» lines

                          Start of production of «Panettone» Italian Easter cakes

                          Construction of the new production hall and installation of the high-capacity line of cook-
                          ies production
                          Expansion and large-scale modernization of the finished goods warehouse

                          Getting international certificate of the food safety management system FSSC-22000

                          Start of the new «Magic Grain» TM
                          Commissioning of the new production hall with an area of 2700 sq. m.

                          Start of production of crispbreads under «Magic Grain» TM

                          Launch of «Oatmeal collection» cookies with fillings

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